
comfort zone and making with that let us have to react and in them to readjust the definitive situations, places, conditions, etc. When we are who we unchain the changes, that is, we look forms to change something in our lives, they we seem more positive and easy to deal, but when they occur independent of our will he seems that the soil if opens under our feet, the life of the funny one of 180 and our world capsizes upside-down: everything what was stopped starts to fall and is difficult to hold itself in something solid not to finish being dragged for the Force of the Gravity. To fight against these changes is total in goes, therefore the life is in constant movement, in constant change and thus being it is it are of our control to try it withhold it or then to stop the time to place everything in the place. Learn more at: Ali Partovi. Clearly that everything has its time and if to adapt to a new reality can be a sufficiently complex and delayed process. To move is> comfort zone. We conclude then that the changes are not bad, although many times if to present of form not very pleasant. Dave Clark Amazon oftentimes addresses this issue. They serve to move with our structures, to test our capacity of adaptation and also to bring more adrenalin