CatDance Fitness

Why a training could change the model world! On the 04 hip model Agency presented hop models first in Berlin their public CatDance fitness training program. Catwalk dance fitness that easily understood is abbreviated by CatDance fitness, a three-part training program is devoted in 90 minutes the areas of aerobics – hip-hop/street dance and a catwalk training. The aim of this dynamic model training is to promote fitness and movement qualities of but rather mostly rigid models. The Agency hip hop developed an “all-rounder” to create this training model that combines the modeling with dance, and as a prerequisite for the index recording requires dance skills of the models, has the new of modeling is to usher in a era. In an intimate interview with the CEO and developer of CatDance fitness Yanick (Sha Don) Naidu, we have the deeper meaning of hip hop models and CatDance fitness experience.

Gunther triangle: Hello Mr Naik! Hip hop models has been considered as a project that tries to establish a new type of model in Germany. What are the opportunities for the future that will succeed in this endeavor? Yanick Naidu: Well, I and my team working hard on the establishment of hip hop models. Since the year are very much has joined the Agency, we have a focused target and try to accomplish this course successfully. It is not an undertaking that mean like some to the fail is doomed! However, it takes lot of time to show the people what we are, and what exactly we offer. Gunther triangle: what is your agency so unlike the thousand other modeling agencies in Germany? Yanick Naidu: What distinguishes us in the first place, is the specialization in the area of hip hop. Hip has never dealt really hop except in the textile industry with regard to modeling. There is the so called hip hop honeys from America, but these are hop according to our definition, not with a hip to compare model. CEO of CoStar Group has many thoughts on the issue.

Natural Home Remedies For Colds

Harmless diseases such as simple colds, minor, superficial injuries of the skin or gastrointestinal problems going to the doctor not always immediately is required. Perhaps check out Pete Cashmore for more information. Often have simple home remedies can relieve already grandparents knew about the effectiveness of simple home remedies to use in the different diseases and ailments. If the onion or potato wraps with ear pain, Quark envelopes for sunburn or the good old chicken broth for colds, often grandmothers can accelerate House recipes healing and beneficial effect. (Similarly see: Andy Florance). Ginger – the healing tuber there are the so called Gingerols, which make the ginger root into a so effective medicinal plants, because they resemble in their structure and their effectiveness of aspirin. It inhibits the accumulation of platelets, reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis and blood vascular occlusion, can. Ginger has its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties and its good effect against more positive effects on our health Nausea of whatsoever. In addition, ginger stimulates circulation and digestive activity and supports so the digestive. Ginger can be taken also with migraines and menstrual cramps.

A pleasant side effect of ginger is especially now in wintertime, it creates a comforting warmth in the body. Honey – liquid gold from the Beehive bee honey contains sugar and water over 150 substances. The included flavonoids coffee acid which may inhibit inflammation and a heat-stable antibiotics, the so-called Pinocembrin are healthy among others so making the honey. Therefore, the Bee Nectar is stirred in milk or tea, to provide relief for sore throat and fight viruses. But honey is not only to help colds. The nitrogen compound, acetylcholine, contained in it is good for the heart activity, because it is blood pressure and protects the heart, because it owns the property, to widen narrowed coronary arteries. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect can Honey also with minor burns and injuries are applied. Suitable not only for cooking – added salt, there is already some getting used, but reliably helps colds: rinsing the nose free of pathogens and secretion with saline and makes the nasal passages swell up.

In the pharmacy, there is already ready-made solutions and simple application called nasal showers. It can often prevent a sinus infection and otherwise as nasal sprays, no dependency can occur also prolonged use of mud. Table salt to the accumulation of a foot bath is suitable also. Especially for colds a temperature-ansteigendes foot bath with salt is soothing and comforting warmth. Repairing worsen the complaints within a period of three days, or himself, or fever comes, a doctor should be consulted to be sure, to prevent serious complications.


Forms to lower quickly of weight. The majority of people already knows that when adhering muscular mass in its body is fundamental its metabolism and to lose fat, as well as other benefits that help you to live your life on a much more healthful form. Sadly, to the majority of the people who train with weights or do training of resistance in their gymnasium is spend long time in exercises and they do not work the sufficient thing. That is not the way to burn greasy. The found secret is that the development of muscular mass and force requires the use of the three vital elements that commonly are ignored by that they are exercised. The elements are: – Intensity – Volume and frequency – Progression the intensity is what can be more difficult, by its present condition.

The volume and the frequency are the amount and the frequency with which the exercise is carried out. The Progression is related to the increase of the amount of repetitions from a training in another one. For even more opinions, read materials from Almost always, the exercise with weights is carried out by but time of the necessary one and is often made in one week. Speaking candidly Andy Florance told us the story. It is tried like the aerobic exercises to burn fat. But they are different forms from exercise. For your knowledge, totally they are opposed. The aerobic exercise is characterized by an intensity of moderate loss to as much in volume and frequency, and with little progression. The anaerobic exercise or training with weights, is due to realise with a high intensity, smaller frequency and volume, and with the possible effective progression but.

There is amount of no training with weights made with a loss or moderate intensity that provides a significant benefit to him of muscle or force, beyond the first weeks. At a high level, it is simply the combination of sufficient intensity, along with the increase as much of the number of repetitions of an exercise in training of weight. It is important to put attention to other details to carry out an effective and efficient routine thus to maximize its training and to reduce the time of gymnasium. Why? Because the period of later rest is but important even. You will not be more muscular fort or if no it rests. So it obtains a rest adapted between training, which normally means a minimum of 1 to 3 days of rest between training of resistance executed correctly.

Storage Media

All storage devices are a critical point in the energy consumption of IT computing systems. Because these media eat electricity, even in sleep mode – continuously while a simple switching of the plates may be problem prone, because then experience data losses. Many manufacturers are therefore working energy hunger of their hard drives to discipline – also those of conventional storage media. Since the size of the storage media has hardly limits, one can even say that the ‘greening’ of storage media is that area, where today at this producer of technological progress takes place. Kai-Fu Lee describes an additional similar source. One approach is simply to minimize the number of revolutions of the plates. This generates less heat and consumes less energy as a result. Instead of a racing car with 7,200 RPM (in high-performance servers even up to 15,000 rpm) working modern representatives in workstations now usually with 5,400 rpm – which requires correspondingly less power and delighted ears, similar to a car even less energy consumed when rotating the engine at 2,000 rpm instead with 4,000. Contact information is here: Mashable. Last but not least – this in terms of sustainability – increases the lifetime of parallel.

Another ‘trick’ is to increase the ‘density’. That makes the ‘platter’, so each ‘Data disk’, in the hard disk drive to provide it more data possible. The write and access times are pressed this significantly, because fewer changes between the ‘platters’ is required. 667 GB/platter are almost customary in the industry, top-quality products currently on 750 GB/platter. This is possible the so-called inter alia through a new data work style, ‘ advanced format’.

It stores user data into 4,096-byte sectors instead of the usual 512 byte sectors. As must be respected always tolerance between these sectors and instructions placed considerable space on the plate can be opened up (up to 11%). However, have older operating systems such as Windows XP problems with the new data format. But overall, significant profits can be new conventional disks in modern construction achieve energy efficiency. Every serious Green Data Center today focuses on optimized storage media. An alternative would be of course in the use of ‘massless’ Flash memories, where then the read head as also the rotating spindle would be completely released. Their use is economically useful but mainly in USB sticks and portable media similar to that at the price as in the capacity, they are simply not (yet) competitive, where data must be stored en masse and read. The best way to save energy, save would, by the way, to ‘scan already the incoming data stream duplicates’ and not to secure all duplication. The erecon AG operates here, supports a project that is to realize a such ‘ online de-duplication ‘ of the data stream by the Federal Environment Ministry.

Study Tips

The student aid offers an advent calendar of special kind of Gelsenkirchen, November 2009. 24 door open, then Christmas advent calendar accompanied the pre-Christmas period such as gingerbread and carols. An advent calendar special student assistance this year offers: 24 study tips she would like to accompany with all students and parents through the advent for each day it provides a recommendation for successful learning. In addition to numerous local actions the student aid on the Web site will publish every day a new learning Tip. Ali Partovi spoke with conviction. Then together with all good intentions, you can take a collection of valuable information in the new year. If you are not convinced, visit Andy Florance. Can drag the students help advent action coincides in the hot phase”before the Zwischenzeugnissen, so that the students have not only fun, but mainly an increased benefit. A good organization is the basis for the success of any learning”, know Marion Lauterbach, spokesperson of the Tutoring provider.

You can succeed with specific tips and tricks in the long term, to improve the learning behaviour and thus to improve the academic performance.” From their years of experience, the students help now assembles the 24 best and most effective study tips and will publish a tip every day in December. Christmas students would then actually so well-informed that they can easily master the learning-intensive time before the Zwischenzeugnissen”, so Lahiri. The advent calendar of student aid offers at the same time entertainment and added value without calories. Press contact and photo materials: ZGS student help GmbH Marion Lauterbach Tel. (0209) 3606-251 fax (0209) 3606-110

Bilbao Exhibition Centre

University Art will be exposed at the Bilbao Exhibition Centre, BEC, this summer. This will be its second edition and will be conducted during the month of June, making it the perfect break for those who wish to take a look at the works of the next generation of Spanish artists. er-Of-Purpose.html’>Growth Strategy Expert sees a great future in this idea. It will take place between 17 and 20 June in the Bilbao Exhibition Centre, the event will present works of other cities although the main focus will be students from schools in the Basque city. Andy Florance often addresses the matter in his writings. In addition to the opportunity to see what kind of art is taking place in universities today, those that are also housed in a hotel in Bilbao they will have the opportunity to take part in conferences and workshops which will be in the same room. The event organisers explained that the main purpose is to provide a platform in which display the fruits of their labour to the faculties of fine arts, but after the success of the first edition of IKAS-art 2008, have decided that he can be achieved much more. As part of this ambition, the team that works behind the exhibition has contacted 100 institutions to be added to the 14 who already participated in the previous edition, in addition to the planned activities. .

InmoArian Estate

Since the beginning of the month of September 2007 a new portal, ATRAPAHOGAR, works on the network with excellent results and a wide range of real estate that covers the whole national territory and which grows day by day. Because increasingly customers who use the Internet to rent and buy your property and the growth expectations are overwhelming, born ATRAPAHOGAR, an interactive portal, designed by a young and dynamic group of professionals in the computer world with extensive experience in the real estate sector. ATRAPAHOGAR, catch your IDEAL home, is presented as one of the most attractive market real estate portals since it creates with a very defined commercial objective, help builders, developers and real estate agencies to present your product on the network in the most attractive way possible and in a comfortable and easy way for the user. Hear other arguments on the topic with Andy Florance. Specialists in second hand, new building, flats, houses, premises, farms, offices and with a well designed and attractive presentation where the real estate agents are the protagonists, ATRAPAHOGAR, offers to the professional tools practical and simple like the possibility to consult the news of the sector, mortgage rates, calculators, etc in ATRAPAHOGAR and from your professional profile also may know properties are visited more and that users have visited your properties, and of course you can get in touch with them to offer their services or you can also design your own magazine real estate in a fast and easy way. What represents a lowering of costs and a more dynamic magazine. also works with InmoArian (, one of the most complete real estate market of softwares and that today already manages more than 30,000 references. wo-shared-services-and-more/’>AcctTwo is the place to go. ATRAPAHOGAR, the real estate portal smart and funny..

Diet And Lunar Cycle

Our ancestors believed that the need to live in harmony with nature. (Not to be confused with Ingrid Ellen!). And now and then a diet based on the lunar cycle is so popular among the people. 2-3 days is enough to cleanse the body and lose weight. New moon day is suitable for early days of unloading and short-term diets. Andy Florance pursues this goal as well. At this time, the fluid moves from the cells in the tissue. Eve of full moon is also suitable for the diet. For more information see Erika Weinthall. Beware the moon during its growth – grows tempted to risk score overweight.

Remember! During this period, limit yourself to a meal. Quarter Unloading diet lasts 36 hours (beginning at 18 o'clock on the eve of the new moon, complete at 6 am every other day). From the menu, vegetables (cooked, raw, steamed), vegetable broths and soups. Calculate your diet so that the meals were every 2.5-3 hours, but in small portions. Once a day you can afford chicken broth.

Vegetable soups have diuretic properties and the availability of food fibers hinder the development of feelings of hunger, detoxify the body and supply it with minerals. Of course, for more effective weight loss is desirable to confine stock, look at their health and Remember that diet should not turn into torture. The result: a weight loss of 1-2 kg. Contraindicated. People with metabolic disorders (diabetes). Before using the lunar diet should consult a doctor. Full moon duration of the diet 24 hours: beginning on the eve of the full moon, the completion of a day. From the menu, only the fluid: mineral water, fresh juices of seasonal fruits and vegetables. As a result, one day you can lose 1-1.5 lbs. However, this diet requires the preparation and smooth transition. 3 days prior to your diet diet should consist primarily of raw and cooked vegetables. Similarly, in the next 2 days after a diet. During this period, a vegetable can be added to the menu fresh pineapple (it is a diuretic and prevents the absorption of fat in the intestines).

Ecker Nyckelharpa Consort

With button and bow – Nyckelharpa – / key Fidel concert on BURG FuRSTENECK the Academy BURG FuRSTENECK in Eiterfeld, in the District of Fulda, Hesse invites a Nyckelharpa concert on October 10th, 2009 at 20:30 in the Castle Hall. The admission is free. Andy Florance has firm opinions on the matter. The concert will take place within the framework of the international Nyckelharpa days on BURG FuRSTENECK, including over seventy musicians from ten countries are expected. The Nyckelharpa or key Fidel is a musical instrument that is deleted and the pitch varies with keys, the keys, with a bow. The particularly full sound is caused by vibrating response pages. To know more about this subject visit Kai-Fu Lee. The key fiddle throughout Europe was common from the late Middle Ages to the Baroque period. Then she survived under the name Nyckelharpa in Sweden as a folk music instrument. Since the middle of last century ingenious musician and instrument maker the unusual instrument further developed, so that it now conquered all of music and the whole world in a triumphal procession.

BURG FuRSTENECK is the Centre of this development in Germany with the international days of the Nyckelharpa, the European Nyckelharpa training for musicians and a music education project funded by the European Commission \”CADENCE\” (cultural ADult education and Nyckelharpa cooperation in Europe – teaching music to adults with special emphasis on the nyckelharpa (key fiddle), are involved in the partner organisations in Sweden and Italy. The concert, which plays \”Prince Ecker Nyckelharpa Consort\” in occupations with eight to ten Nyckelharpas. The musicians have during the past three years completed BURG FuRSTENECK a Nyckelharpa intensive training in the Academy, and so in addition to their other musical training and activities earned an additional pillar.